Our Approach
My Little Village is a progressive preschool located in the Lower East Side of NYC. We draw upon many different philosophies, but are particularly inspired by the Reggio Emilia schools of Northern Italy. We begin with a deep respect for the child, their individuality and unique abilities. Our children are encouraged to learn through play as they explore their relationship to their environment, families, teachers, and other children.
Everyday at MLV
Each day our students are invited to explore learning and concepts through art, music, nature,
dance, movement, sensory play, dramatic play, block building, storytelling, and more.
Our classrooms engage in extensive project work with curriculum themes, which are inspired by
student interest, often times expanding from week-long to month-long to year-long work.

Teachers as Learners
At My Little Village our culture embraces the idea that our teachers are learners, too. We spend much of our day observing and thoughtfully reflecting on the work that our students do. We ask questions of our students and listen to their answers, incorporating what they already know as w provide provocations to stimulate imagination and wonder.
Outdoor Education
Our program incorporates many of the ideas drawn from the Forest Kindergartens of Europe. We spend entire days outdoors enjoying nature and the play environments that our great city of New York has to offer. If it’s raining, if it’s snowing, or if it’s a beautiful sunny day, we throw on rain boots, snow suits, or bathing suits and head outside to explore.