East Village Gutsy Girls  |  Ages 5 to 10  |  $400  |  Aug 1 - Sept 1 

Our role as the fearless leaders of the gutsy girls will be to seek out, contact and collaborate with female neighborhood role models that challenge the ideals of the "establishment" and who break the traditions of the glass ceiling. In our frst two classes, we will explore what it means to our students to be brave women, fearless leaders, and how to embrace our true selves. Through this, we will encourage the girls to look within themselves and foster their own unique voices. Guided by the girls curiousity, interests, and group discussions, we will go on weekly adventures to visit East Village trailblazers who embody what it means to be a strong and confdent woman in our world today. Through these group outings, we hope to engender the importance of expressing ones own unique ideas, while creating a safe and dynamic space to examine and generate questions amongst the students. Each student will keep a journal through out the class to write their refections, thoughts and ideas inspired by our feld trips and discussions.

Hosted by Judy Bodor and Olivia Weber. Judy is a talented artist who has worked with children for over 20 years, and has owned several businesses in the East Village. Olivia is an Art Therapist and artist and has many years of experience with children. She is also a certified Yoga Instructor.